How Can Your Business be a LinkedIn Power User?

It all begins with a LinkedIn Company Page. As many companies and professionals have already realized, LinkedIn is one of the social media giants that can greatly affect your business success. Screw it up and you’re screwed!

Visibility on the site is important not just to find employees and expand your professional network. While this is critical, there is so much more entrepreneurs can do to discover and target followers, nurture leads and ultimately promote the greatness of your company.

The well of potential clients and customers on LinkedIn is endless. Your company needs to be there as it is truly the world’s largest audience of affluent professionals in one place. So if you’re ignoring or not giving your LinkedIn Company Page the love it deserves, time to change your ways and boost your business success.


  • Why create a LinkedIn company page?
  • What works? Tips for helping your company page drive results.

Let’s start at the beginning. Do you have a LinkedIn company page? If not, then get one!

It’s important to have a place for potential clients or customers to find relevant information about your business. Not just the standard profile about you, your career path, cool professional photo and endorsements. LinkedIn is now that site locked and loaded for companies to begin mining the opportunities, with over 400 million members worldwide and over 100 million just in the U.S.

There are requirements for creating a company page. To check if you meet all 7, click on the link here. After you find out if you can create the page, continue below to make it shine.

Description and Logo

At the beginning, you want to list the facts:

-What does your business do?

-What is it that makes your company special? Even better, what makes it different?

-Why choose your company over your competition?

In professional and specific language, while still in your own unique and natural voice/tone, explain your point of view. Give examples as to what you have accomplished for others and what you offer to each client and customer. Every person looking at your page wants to find the same information. They all want to know why they should be interested at all. Give them something to be captivated by. Include visual media, like videos or photos, but make sure to keep everything on point. You want to capture the right kind of attention and provide value to your target customer persona .

Another important visual to include from the start is your logo. When anyone searches for your company on LinkedIn, the logo should appear. It’s your unique identification badge. By continuing to show this graphic, you create brand awareness. People can then associate your business with a memorable image.

Once the basics are in place it’s time to optimize.  To make sure you include all the elements of a top performing company page, download our step-by-step visual guide to the Perfect Linkedin Company Page. 

Share Content

It always comes back to content. Potential customers want nothing more than to find you are trustworthy and know your stuff. In order to gain that trust, you need to create valuable content for your audience and share it regularly. Now, that doesn’t mean share everything you can get your hands on. Instead, keep every piece relevant to your targets. Only become involved with content that suits your business specifically.

Try these proven methods for sharing content:

  • Link to blogs and articles you’ve written yourself. As these pieces continue to gain likes or shares, your voice will gain more reach in digital channels.
  • Like posts on LinkedIn and they will be seen by your connections. This shows you keep up with competitors, clients, customers and colleagues. It shows you’re active in the conversation in your field.
  • Join groups that have the same business interest. They’ll also provide content you’ll want to share.

Another way to share content is by updating your status. This is a way to grow your brand awareness as well as to show your own professional profile. These updates attract interest and lead people to your company page. This image shows the components of a great status:

Great-Linkedin-Post-Infographic.png (Source)

It’s all about staying active. By sharing, you can start conversations. These conversations then lead to new opportunities and clients.

Utilize Your Employees’ Connections

Each of the employees involved in your company should have their own personal LinkedIn page. Not only does this show the talent of your team, but leverages their connections to other professionals. They connect to your company page, your company page reaches more business professionals in your sector. Think of this as our greatest company network.

While this may not seem like a tip, it is important to train your employees and use LinkedIn as a part of your marketing strategy. Your employee presence on LinkedIn attracts consumers and shows them your organization is focused.

  • Employees should engage with other LinkedIn users, not just by connecting but also by also sharing and commenting on content. As the members of your team interact with others, they will be spreading your company to an extended network.
  • Specifically, have employees participate in groups. Asking and answering questions also shows they are knowledgeable. As every member of your team posts and interacts, your business will continue to grow.
  • Be active when your employees post. Like any fantastic mentor, supervisor, leader, you’ll want to promote their content and posts. It shows you believe in their savvy, and value their content and loyalty to your company.

By implementing these strategies you will see your network grow and be on your way to unlocking the potential of being a LinkedIn Power User.

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